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Natural Essential Oils Kit 15ml x 18

Natural Essential Oils Kit 15ml x 18
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Natural Essential Oils Kit 15ml x 18

Natural Essential Oils Set
of 18 - Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lavender,Frankincense ,Basil,Orange ,Lemongrass,Turmeric ,Clove, Lemon,Cinnamon ,Citronella,Mandarin,Neroli,Thyme,Ylang-Ylang and Rosemary Essential Oils. 100% Natural Therapeutic grade Oils


 15ml (0.50oz) Container - Type High Quality Amber Glass Bottle

Bullet Points:-

  • Method of Extraction - Steam Distillation
  • Top Reputed Brand - Highly Satisfied Customers in Over 100 Countries
  • Finest Quality - Largest Range of Oils in the World
  • 100% Pure Natural Therapeutic Grade
  • Our Essential Oils are Steam Distilled as against Cheap Solvent Extracted Oils

Pure Rosemary Essential Oil

  • Botanical Name - Rosmarinus officinalis 
  • Rosemary Essential Oil is known to stimulate hair growth, reduce pain, soothe inflammation, eliminate headaches and condition hair to make it look and feel healthy. Rosemary Oil is an antioxidant, which gives it anti-aging properties. Additionally, it will help prevent damage to your skin from environmental agents. It has a stimulating effect on skin. It improves circulation, which means that this oil can help reduce puffiness by removing excess water from the skin . Rosemary Oil  can counter hair loss by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp, which, in turn, promotes hair growth . Its high nutritional value and anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent ingredient for nourishing the hair follicles and soothing the scalp
  • The nutrients of rosemary can help protect skin cells from damage often caused by the sun and free radicals. Since rosemary has natural antiseptic properties, it's a superior disinfectant for our skin and hair. In fact, this essential oil is known to promote a healthy, moisturized scalp and reverse premature graying. To use rosemary essential oil on the skin or the scalp you can dilute it with water or use it with a carrier oil like jojoba or sweet almond oil.
  • The study was carried out by Northumbria University and concluded that exposure to rosemary can boost memory. The researchers found that students working in a room that contained the aroma of rosemary - in the form of an essential oil - achieved between five and seven per cent better results in memory tests.

Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Botanical Name - Eucalyptus globulus

Tingling Hair Conditioner Eucalyptus is a great way to stimulate hair follicles. This is likely because Eucalyptus can bring down inflammation in the scalp which helps create an ideal environment for hair growth.

Eucalyptus Oil for Cough. Eucalyptus Oil's decongestant properties can help to clear your chest by making your cough more productive Inhaling the vapor or applying a Eucalyptus Oil infused rub can help in loosening mucus, so that when you cough, the thinned mucus can be expelled out of your chest.

Apply on the beard area some Eucalyptus Oil to further stimulate hair growth. Apply a few drops of oil on the skin with a little warm water and gently massage, leave on for 10 or 15 minutes. Other natural oils that are good to boost hair growth are rosemary oil and coconut oil.

If you have redness from acne or other types of skin irritation, Eucalyptus oil is a good anti-inflammatory that will help calm redness.

Put some Eucalyptus oil in a diffuser before bedtime. The aroma of  Eucalyptus oil will promote feelings of relaxation, preparing you for a better night's sleep. If you are feeling tension but have little time to relax, don't stifle your feelings, let them go with the help of Eucalyptus essential oil.

In general, Eucalyptus globulus is the most popular of the Eucalyptus Oils in aromatherapy because of its high cineole content and traditional Eucalyptus aroma. Its aroma is strong, sharp and fresh with green, almost sour notes.

Pure Lavender Essential  Oil

Botanical Name - Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender Oil can speed up hair growth. Knowing that lavender oil has properties that can generate the growth of cells and reduce stress and generate faster hair growth.

Mix several drops of lavender oil into 3 tablespoons of carrier oil, like olive oil or melted coconut oil, and apply it directly to your scalp. Leave it in for at least 10 minutes before washing it out.

Apply topically: 

Mix a few drops of Lavender oil with a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil or jojoba oil and rub onto your temples, front and back of the neck, wrists and behind the ears. Also rub some into the soles of your feet for fastest absorption in the bloodstream for full body relaxation and restful sleep.

Pure Lemon Essential Oil

Botanical Name - Citrus limonum

Skin Care -  Pure Lemon essential oil is astringent and detoxifying. Its antiseptic properties help in treating and clearing skin. Lemon Oil also reduces excessive oil on the skin. Add a few drops of the oil to facial cleanser to help remove dead skin cells. 

Disinfectant - Lemon Oil is terrific to disinfect and kitchen counters. Soak kitchen cleaning cloths in a bowl of water with several drops of lemon oil to disinfect. Lemon oil will also remove grease and grime from hands as well as tools and dishes.Mood Booster/Concentration - Diffuse in the room or place a few drops in your hands, rub and inhale.

Insect Repellant - Bugs are not in favor of lemon oil. Combine lemon with Peppermint and Eucalyptus Essential Oil along with coconut oil for an effective repellant.

Hair/Nail Care - Lemon oil is an effective hair tonic and helps to eliminate dandruff while strengthening the hair.  

Feet Care - Add a few drops of lemon oil to help treat callouses, corns, and bunions. 

Pure Peppermint Essential Oil

Botanical Name - Mentha piperita

Pure Peppermint Essential Oil has soothing and cooling abilities that freshen the skin. It also has properties that facilitate oil secretion, making it an effective component against acne. It can help stimulate hair growth because of its ability to increase blood circulation around the scalp. The antifungal properties of this essential oil can reduce fungal nail infection, when applied topically.

Stress:  It help to relief from stress, depression and mental exhaustion due to its refreshing nature. It is also effective against feeling anxious and restless.

Sore Muscles: It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, it not only can relieve pain and inflammation but can also calm the spasms that cause muscle cramps.

Sunburn Relief :It can hydrate burnt skin and relieve the pain from sunburns. You can mix peppermint oil with a bit of coconut oil and apply it directly to the affected area, or make a natural homemade sunburn spray to relieve pain and support healthy skin renewal.

Improve Your Shampoo: Add 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil to your regular morning shampoo and conditioner to stimulate the scalp, energize your mind, and wake up! Because it is a powerful antiseptic, peppermint can also help remove dandruff and lice.

Pure Tea Tree Essential Oil

Botanical Name - Melaleuca alternifolia

Tea Tree Oil can unclog hair follicles and has numerous antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. These properties all benefit the hair and scalp by removing build-up of dead skin cells, oil and products, increasing oxygen and nutrient supply to the hair follicles and treating and protecting the scalp from infections.

It may even help to prevent and reduce acne scars, leaving you with smooth, clear skin.

How to use: 

Dilute 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil into 2 ounces of Carrier Oil. Use it as a toner throughout the day. You can use a face wash, moisturizer, and spot treatment containing Tea Tree Oil as well.

For hair growth: 

Tea Tree Oil helps to unclog hair follicles and nourish your roots. To use Tea Tree Oil as a hair growth treatment, mix a few drops of Tea Tree Oil with any carrier oil (coconut, jojoba, almond). Mix it well and massage the mixture onto the scalp. Rinse thoroughly.

Just dab a few drops of the oil on a cotton swab and gently apply to the affected areas. This Tea Tree Oil remedy can also be used to remove dark spots on legs.Tea Tree Oil can also work well for skin whitening. You just need to combine 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil with 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil.

Pure Basil Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

Basil Oil has a watery viscosity and is pale greenish-yellow in color. The therapeutic properties of basil Oil are analgesic, anti-venomous, carminative, cephalic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, insecticide, nervine, stomachic, sudorific, tonic and stimulant. This Oil plays an active role in treating colds, anxiety, infection, flatulence, fatigue, insect bites and repellant, sinus infection, bronchitis, coughs, depression, abrasions, whooping cough. However, it is made using herbal ingredients that helps in stimulating hair growth. It is also used for indigestion, stress, sinusitis, insect bites, headache, muscle relaxation, anxiety, bacterial infections, depression, panic attacks, hair loss, insomnia, menstrual cramps, intestinal problems, nausea, ear infections, massage, bathing, inhalation, diffusion and as a study aid.
Basil Essential Oil is used topically and massaged into the skin. It enhances the luster of dull-looking skin and hair. As a result, it is extensively used in many skin care supplements that claim to improve the tone of your skin. It is also commonly used to treat the symptoms of acne and other skin infections. It is used extensively in numerous skin care formulas that are made to improve skin tone. The Oil can also be diluted in a carrier Oil and massaged onto the skin. It effectively enhances the luster of dull-looking skin and hair. You can apply Basil Essential Oil with a clean cotton ball. Mix one to two drops of Basil Oil with coconut or jojoba Oil and apply to the affected area once or twice daily. You can add a drop or two of Basil Essential Oil to your shampoo to strip away excess grease or buildup and add a lustrous quality to your hair. You can also mix it with baking soda and apple cider vinegar to naturally remove bacteria, grease and residue from the hair. Precautions: This Oil it should be avoid in epilepsy, liver problems, and while pregnancy. It can cause skin irritation, if it does not suits the user.

Pure Clove Eassential Oil 

Botanical Name - Syzygium aromaticum

Clove Essential Oil is used for getting quick relief from respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma. It keeps infection away and can be used for cuts, acne, burns and bruises. The Oil is very much helpful in getting relief from arthritis, toothache, rheumatism, bad breath and mouth sores. It is also beneficial for the digestive system and works well against parasites, spasms, vomiting, flatulence and diarrhea. The disinfecting property of clove Oil is helpful in case of infectious diseases. Its fragrance is useful in keeping the fish moths away from the cupboard.

Blends Well with: Sandalwood, rosemary, basil, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, benzoin, grapefruit, citronella, ginger, orange, Lemon, rose, Clary Sage and other spice based Oils.

Precautions: Clove Bud Essential Oil can cause sensitization in some cases and should be used in dilution. It is to be avoided during pregnancy.

Pure Lemongrass Essential Oil 

Botanical Name - Cymbopogon citratus 

Lemongrass Oil has a light, fresh, citrus aroma with earthy undertones. Refreshing, rejuvenating, stimulating, and balancing, it inspires and improves mental clarity. Inhaling aroma of Lemongrass Oil also regulates the blood sugar levels & is an excellent antioxidant. It is also a natural mosquito repellent

Pure Turmeric Essential Oil 

Botanical Name -  Curcuma longa

Turmeric Oil is very powerful and packed with rare compounds as it is extracted from such a powerful healer herb. When analyzed Turmeric Oil may show the presence of 400-500 different kinds of molecules. What is even more amazing is that many of these molecules have receptor sites in our neuroendocrine systems too.

Pure Orange Essential Oil 

Botanical Name -   Citrus sinensis 

Orange Oils greatest benefit is that inhaling its aroma will lower your blood pressure. It reduces anger and anxiety and act as a natural aphrodisiac. Its fragrance will lighten your mood, promote relaxation rejuvenate your senses while restoring emotional balance & bringing positive outlook. It creates the feeling of happiness and warmth, calming nervous digestive problems & stimulating the lymphatic system.

Pure Frankincense Essential Oil 

Botanical Name -   Boswellia carterii

Pure Frankincense Oil helps in soothing and calming mind, slowing down & deepening breathing as well as in use when meditating. It calms anxiety, clears lungs and assists with asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, laryngitis, coughs/colds. It rejuvenates ageing skin and is effective with wounds, scars, sores, carbuncles and skin inflammation.

Pure Thyme Essential Oil 

Botanical Name:Thymus vulgaris 

Due to the natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of thyme, it serves as an effective natural alternative to cosmetic facial and skin cleaners. A simple tincture of thyme can help clear acne, and relieve its effects on the skin.

Pure Neroli Essential Oil

Botanical Name - Citrus aurantium 

Its fruity and sweet aroma is very calming and relaxing.It is used for anxiety, insomnia, nervous dyspepsia, nervous tension, palpitations, hysteria, fear, depression, diarrhea (chronic), digestive spasm, flatulence, headaches, heart (regulates rhythm), menstrual cramps pms, poor circulation, pregnancy, scars, shock, skin (chapped, dry, sensitive and mature), skin regeneration (promotes healing), stress, stretch marks, tachycardia, thread veins and wrinkles, bacterial infection & for frigidity. It is also a great aphrodisiac.

Neroli Oil is all about staying in the present moment and not reminiscing of the past, or even worrying about the future. For us to manifest what we want we must be completely in our power and be present energetically in the moment.
Anxiety attacks are produced when we separate our mind and body to the point where we start to panic. This is because we are literally in two different places. Neroli Oil brings us back to one plane quickly and provides protection as well.
Neroli Oil has been used for thousands of years to accelerate self-actualization by keeping us in the present, and gathering many of our scattered parts in the different etheric levels. It opens the heart and releases emotions of powerless and self imposed restriction. It affects Sacral, heart and crown chakras.

Pure Mandarin Essential Oil

Botanical Name - Citrus reticulata 

Mandarin Oil is good for the blood circulation and for the circulation of the lymph. This way, it keeps the skin rejuvenated and can also provide relief to people with arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This Essential Oil is good for the immune system. Mandarin Oil helps new cells and tissues to grow. This way, it helps in wound healing. It is a blood purifier and can flush out the toxins and the unwanted substances from the body. Mandarin Oil is also good for digestion, and a few drops of Oil in your food can improve your digestion by stimulating the digestive juices. It also acts as a sedative and is good for nervous disorders. Mandarin Oil is used in aromatherapy for stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, depression, anxiety, grief, nervousness, PMS, stretch marks in pregnancy and skin conditions such as acne, Oily skin, rejuvenation and mature skin. It is also useful for insomnia, fluid retention, obesity and dejection. Mandarin Oil is adaptable and can be used to treat a wide range of physical and emotional conditions. A few drops added to a carrier can be used in massage to treat cellulite, stretch marks and fluid retention effectively. To increase the Oils effectiveness, add other essential Oils that are effective with these conditions such as juniper berry and cypress since they create an effective synergy together.

Pure Citronella Essential Oil 

Botanical Name - Cymbopogon nardus

Citronella acts as insect repeller and thus, used in flea collars, bug sprays and candles that keep away mosquitoes and other insects. It is also effective in the treatment of cold, infection and Oily complexion. Some other important applications include: Provides relieve insomnia
The health benefits of Citronella Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, insect repellent, stomachic, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge substance.
Other Benefits: Furthermore, this Oil can be used in treatment of problems like Oily skin, Oily hair, abnormal palpitations, colitis, migraine, neuralgia, fatigue, headache, nausea, and abdominal pain resulting from gas or cramps.
Blends Well with: Citronella Oil blends well with Lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, cajeput, eucalyptus, rosemary, vanilla and bergamot.
Precautions: There is no inherent toxicity in the essential Oil, but it has been seen to produce irritation, dermatitis or sensitization in skin if used in high concentrations. It should not be used on the skin of small children and should be avoided during pregnancy.

 Pure Cinnamon Essential Oil 

Botanical Name - Cinnamomum zeylanicum 

The health benefits of Cinnamon Oil include ability to balance blood sugars, minimize inflammation and combat infection. It is a natural immune system booster, natural antiviral fungal remedy that also combats bacterial infections. As a matter of fact Cinnamon bark apparently kills them all.The health benefits of Cinnamon Oil also include diabetes or balancing blood sugar levels.

Pure Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 

Botanical Name - Cananga odorata

The health benefits of Ylang-Ylang Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, nervine and sedative substance.
This Essential Oil was not widely known about until very recently, but with the thousands of cosmetics products and their advertisements flooding the television and global media, it soon became a household name and a favorite for aromatherapists.
The Essential Oil of Ylang-Ylang is extracted by steam distillation of fresh flowers of the Ylang-Ylang tree, which bears the scientific name Cananga odorata and is commonly found in the rain forests of certain Asian and South Pacific Islands like Indonesia, Philippines, Java, Sumatra, Comoro and Polynesia.
The chief components of the Essential Oil of Ylang-Ylang are benzyl acetate, benzyl benzoate linalool, caryophyllene, geranyl acetate, methyl benzoate, p-cresyl methyl ether and other components known as Sesquiterpenes, which all contribute to its aroma and medicinal properties. Along with its widespread use in perfumes and aromatherapy treatments due to its very pleasing and delicate fragrance, it is also used for a variety of medicinal purposes.
Health Benefits 
Let’s investigate how many of the medicinal properties of Ylang-Ylang Oil match up with the mass media advertisements.
Antidepressant: This is one of the oldest known medicinal properties of Ylang-Ylang Oil and it is a part of the essential Oil as well. It fights depression and relaxes both the body and soul, thereby driving away anxiety, sadness, and chronic stress. It also has an uplifting effect on mood and induces feelings of joy and hope. It may be an effective treatment for those undergoing nervous breakdowns and acute depression after a shock or an accident.
Antiseborrhoeic: Seborrhoea or Seborrhoeic Eczema is a horrible disease that is caused due to malfunctioning sebaceous glands. This disorder results in irregular sebum production and the consequent infection of the epidermal cells. It looks very unattractive and painful, since the white or pale yellow skin, whether it’s dry or greasy, starts peeling off. This normally happens on the scalp, cheeks, eyebrows and wherever else hair follicles are found. Ylang-Ylang Oil can be beneficial in curing this inflammatory situation and reducing the skin irritation and redness by regularizing sebum production and treating the infection itself.
Antiseptic: Any wounds like cuts, abrasions or burns comes with the chance of the wound becoming septic from various bacterial infections. The risk of complications is even greater when the wound was made by an iron object, as there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus germs. Essential Oil of Ylang-Ylang can help to avoid both sepsis and tetanus by inhibiting microbial growth and disinfecting the wounds. This property of Ylang-Ylang Oil protects your wounds from infections from bacteria, virus and fungus. It also helps to speed up the healing process of the wound.
Hypotensive: This Oil is a very effective agent for lowering blood pressure. In recent times, since high blood pressure is a major health epidemic among both the young and the old, and the drugs for lowering it having serious adverse side effects on the health, Ylang-Ylang Oil can be an easy and natural solution. It has no adverse side effects on health, if taken in prescribed quantities.
Nervine: Ylang-Ylang Oil is a health booster for the nervous system. It strengthens the nervous system and repairs any damage it may have suffered. Furthermore, it also reduces stress on the nerves and protects them from developing a number of nervous disorders.
Sedative: This Oil sedates or calms nervous afflictions, stress, anger and anxiety, while inducing a relaxed feeling.
Other Benefits: Ylang-ylang Oil can be used to cure infections in internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, colon, and urinary tract. It is also good for people suffering from insomnia, fatigue, frigidity and other stress related conditions. It is extremely effective in maintaining moisture and Oil balance of the skin and keeps the skin looking hydrated, smooth and young.
Few Words of Caution: Some cases of sensitivity, nausea and headache have been observed when taken in excessive amounts. Otherwise, when taken in recommended doses, it is non-toxic and is not reported to cause any irritation.
Blending: The Essential Oil of Ylang-Ylang makes very good blends with essential Oils derived from bergamot, grapefruits, lavender and sandalwood.


  • Do not apply directly to skin, always dilute with carrier oil.
  • Do not use citrus oils before exposure to UV light.
  • Diffuser - Essential Oils are placed in diffuser with water, due to heat, oil will diffuse/evaporate in the surrounding.
  • Dry evaporation - Several drops of Essential Oil are placed on a cotton ball or tissue and allowed to evaporate into the air.

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