The sacral chakra is one of my favourite topics. It's about everything tasty in our lives. It's what fuels our beautiful systems. It is the powerhouse of connection. Connection to other humans, animals, food, and even ourselves. Important for both significant relationships and social relationships, bringing awareness to the sacral is a very very nourishing practice. It gives the same feeling of being hugged by a close friend or being pampered by a partner. The existence of our sacral chakra is proof that we deserve to be loved. 

Our sacral connects us directly to Source/God/Awareness, and all Source wants to do is HEAL the pain stored in our sacral. And it actually comes to us more naturally than one may think. If our default was no hurt, and we collect some hurt, that hurt can naturally be met with compassion and softness. It doesnt have to stay hurt forever in the first place. It is only that we can heal, that we let so much hurt accumulate, that it seems like that is the default human state. Love has always been the magic that creates, heals, connects, even helps us learn information and succeed in our goals. 

What if you could get just a small snippet of this reminder in a smell? This is what our sacral chakra oil is. It has the beautiful fragrance of pure essential oils that speak the language of connection and healing. It helps us stay connected to the truth (that we deserve to be loved) and helps us follow the same scent in the decisions we make in our day to day. Thus supporting the sacral in a small but effortless and easy way.